Indie Press Month
Award Winners
Indie Press Month
Award Winners
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Indie-to-Indie Essentials
Hover on a press's logo for a quick description of what they're about, and click through to see a list of their essential backlist titles.
Seeking out overlooked and unclassifiable work and writing from beyond established confines.
Books that inspire adventure, nature appreciation & conservation.
Radical books to expand minds and change worlds.
Literary fiction, crime fiction, political nonfiction, and pop culture music/photo books
Counter-narratives and original thinking to broaden and deepen our understanding of the world.
Promoting freedom of speech, religious pluralism, anti-racism, and respect for diversity.
Books at the intersection of the arts and sciences
Books for Real Estate Investors
Radically optimistic Canadian publisher of literary fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and literature in translation.
Poetry with deep craft and something at stake, with an almost obsessive level of care.
One of the oldest radical publishers in the world - an organic part of today's revolutionary movements.
Committed to innovative and progressive ideas; resistant to forces of conservatism and censorship.
High quality, award-winning lifestyle, gift, and children’s books.
Ensuring important, underreported stories get the attention they deserve.
Histories from every angle, both nonfiction and fiction
Memoir, art, architecture, design, and music, often encompassing histories of migration and diaspora.
Literary works that amplify and celebrate Indigenous authors and subjects.
Exciting, controversial, and insightful books that take on the hottest subject matter.
Nonfiction books that test new ideas and aim to detoxify our world.
Books that ignite movements and social transformation.
Books about nature, science, health, and social issues, with a commitment to environmental stewardship.
Children's books that are ahead of the curve, and justice oriented.
An Independent Literary Publisher Since 1917
A radical, independent, nonprofit book publisher based in Chicago.
Canadian publisher of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, writers in translation, and lifestyle.
Introducing a diverse roster of lesser-heard Southern voices.
One of the nation’s largest independent children’s book publishers with thirteen imprints.
Literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Graphic novels showcasing the diversity of comics from North America and Europe.
Books that offer erudition and enjoyment, stimulate and scintillate, transform and transport.
Canadian children’s book publisher of Canadian authors.
Fiction, poetry, world literature, and other works of the radical imagination.
Compulsively readable narrative nonfiction and books with long lives.
Latin American children’s books originally written in Spanish and Portuguese.
Diverse, cut-the-edge creative literature inspired by diversity, dada, punk, and passion,
International and American literature that carries readers across borders and communities.
Classic and contemporary writing from women and the LGBTQ community.
Fiction and nonfiction that challenges conventional perspectives while appealing to a broad audience.
The largest independent radical publisher in the world.
Contemporary poetry, poetry in translation, and writing by poets
Children’s and young adult books about Black & Brown children.